We can fly

Dans la catégorie: Monte le son — kwyxz le 16/06/03 à 9:57

Petit bonheur du moment : déambuler dans les rues de Paris sans raison particulière, juste pour découvrir la ville, en écoutant le morceau suivant. Morceau qui exerce sur moi l’étonnant pouvoir de me rendre heureux, de sourire à tout le monde, d’aimer la vie, l’aimer même si le temps est assassin et emporte avec lui les rires des enfants, et toutes ces choses.

Something that she said has got me
Dreaming like I’m you.
And I’m buzzed up like a neon, red light
Feeling blown out fuse.

Now you made me think of something new,
Before it’s not too late.
You called me back to realville town
And now I’m falling out.

Hey hey hey, it’s alright.

It’s alright, we can fly,
We’re reaching for a better life
It’s alright, the good will come around.

You spit me out, you made me dream,
You played for keeps again.
Now you know that tired and broken
feeling that I feel gives me hell.

And it’s something that she said has got me
Dreaming like I’m you
I’m buzzed up like a neon, red light,
Feeling blown out fuse.

Hey hey hey, it’s alright.

It’s alright, we can fly
We’re reaching for a better life,
It’s alright, the good will come around.

It’s alright, we can fly
Somewhere is a better life,
It’s alright, the good will come around.

And if you believe the music will take you
Home again
Love if you believe the music
You’re home

It’s alright, we can fly
Somewhere is a better life,
It’s alright, the good will come around.

It’s alright, we can fly
Somewhere is a better life,
It’s alright, the good will come around.

Vega 4 – Better Life

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