Java le dire à ton père

Dans la catégorie: Geekeries — kwyxz le 23/08/07 à 23:34

Attention, le post qui suit est 100% nerd.

Quand Jonathan Schwartz, CEO de Sun, explique que le nom de la société au NASDAQ va devenir JAVA au lieu de SUNW parce que le nom JAVA est bien plus connu des investisseurs et plus représentatif de ce que propose Sun à ses clients, ça donne ça en commentaires:

  • In the minds of many people, Java == slow.
  • What a TERRIBLE idea! When we used “Java” in the name of all our software products a few years ago, customers were confused and frankly just laughed at us
  • As a Sun investor I see this as a horrible idea.
  • What a waste of money. How do all the people you’re laying off soon feel about this?
  • Of the few people who do know about Java who are not techies, Java means slow. Painfully slow.
  • Jonathan, this is one more indication the board needs to look for someone with REAL ideas to lead a once great company.
  • This strikes me as silly. I had hoped it was some kind of joke, but I looked at the calendar, and it’s not April 1st.
  • Please tell me it’s a joke?
  • Sun once again fails to grasp the big picture. While ‘Java’ may be better known by the public than ‘Sun Microsystems’, the perception of Java by the public isn’t good, so why associate the entire company with it? Synonyms for Java are ‘Big’, ‘Fat’, ‘Bloated’, and ‘Slow’.
  • Just imagine Apple Computer using LISA as symbol. Bad idea.
  • This is the most laughable thing I’ve heard come out of Sun since the stock tanked six years ago. What a complete and utter waste of time.
  • As a small Sun stockholder, I think the reasoning is weak and not a good branding move. As a Sun customer, your penchant for naming everything java is confusing. I agree with a lot of others that the money could be much better spent.
  • How about laying off the useless marketing and hire some engineers? It is a waste of money to do something that will hurt the company. Are you assuming that Java will live forever? This is short-sighted.
  • pathetic. don’t you have better things to spend your time on?
  • I am a huge fan of Sun. I have used Java since it was invented. I want you to succeed. But this is the worst idea I have ever heard of. Worst ever! Johnathan, you must be drinking your own kool-aid.
  • Sun has some of the worst marketing and this is just icing on the cake. Did anyone really consult before making this decision? This isn’t Hollywood where bad publicity is publicity. Even the reasoning is silly.
  • This is a terrible, terrible move. Java is what’s /wrong/ with Sun. Not its future. Yes, Java is KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE WORLD — AS A SLOW, DUMB IDEA from the go-go 90’s!
  • This is quite possibly the silliest move Sun has ever made. As a stockholder I’m appalled that Sun would waste time and money to do this.
  • For sure this must be an April-Fools joke, right?
  • Its change of focus on Java, in my view, is an unfortunate insult to the great engineers at Sun who are not actively working on Java.
  • Silliest thing I’ve heard. Coming from you, Jonathan, the change from SUNW to JAVA demonstrates a remarkable lack of vision and focus on the products of your company.

Et je sais, je suis un sale autiste, mais putain qu’est ce que ça me fait rire.

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